Tag Archives: Pointer-Brand-bibbled-overalls; Pointer-Brand-apron; Pointer-Brand-purse

It’s Bristol Baby! Not Bangladesh.

Ever since the garment factory fire in Bangladesh last year, I’ve been increasingly aware of where I buy my clothes.

I’m really writing about Pointer Brand. L.C. King is manufacturing jeans that people from all over the world are noticing.    Check out what the folks in New York had to say about Pointer Brand.    

Mike and I recently purchased some new jeans at L. C. King (the official name for the Pointer Brand label).  They have a little retail store now.  We consider ourselves “regulars” as we’ve visited L.C. King for years.  When I lived in Boston, I ordered my Pointer Brand bibs online.   When buying in Bristol, until this visit, we went into the factory office, asked for the jeans, and someone would run back on the sewing floor and find us some.  If they were too long, they’d cut and hem them on the spot.   Now we have a real store to visit! Here it is. It opened during Rhythm & Roots, opened during Christmas…and I believe the plans are to keep it open.

Pointer Brand 1

Shiny clean windows…I’m loving this!

Pointer Brand 3

These are the best jeans you’ll ever wear. Made in the United States. Made in Bristol, Tennessee.   I love the bibbed overalls.  They are my favorite.


I also like this little apron. Very handy.


This is new, and I am going to get it. A Pointer Brand handbag. Yes! Yes!


And when you are wearing those jeans or carrying that cute little purse, you’re assured that they were made where working conditions are not deplorable…where the workers are paid a competitive wage…where there is no child labor.

Pointer Brand Man Working

I want my clothing and shoes made at places like L. C. King. It may mean that I have less clothing, but I will be able to wear it and know exactly where it was made and have some assurance of how the person who stitched those stitches was treated. They say you are the clothes you wear.

Here’s a few things I’ve found that influence this decision Here’s something to read that might help you make similar decisions.

Thank you for reading RiverCliff Cottage.
