Tag Archives: Beating-Clematis-Wilt-The-Mendota-Way

Beating Clematis Wilt the Mendota Way

I have never, ever had any luck with growing Clematis.  My Clematis efforts have all resulted in wilt.   I’ve tried different locations and different varieties.  Same old wilt.  About three years ago, I gave up.  I dug the plant up and tossed it in the compost bin.  It tried to come back, but I treated it like a weed and cut it off or tried to pull it up.   Instead of Clematis, I focused my attention on this pink Mandevilla and the efforts were well worth it.

Florida Vine


But very near this Mandevilla, there was a Clematis vine that kept peeking out–and getting whacked off.    I showed it no mercy.    This spring,  however, before I had an opportunity to beat it back, the Clematis vine was up taunting me.

Clematis Not Bloomed 2

The picture above shows a healthy vine, but I’ve seen that sort of thing before.   Sorry…I’m not buying it.   However, shortly thereafter….a little over a week ago…it finally bloomed here and there.    Now, I knew the wilt was not far off.


I posted on the Rivercliff Cottage Facebook page, and my sister, Pat, gave me very specific instructions on how to keep this thing from wilting.  Per Pat’s advice,  I don’t speak to it, look at it, water it, or pretend that I think it’s going to stay this way. I only mention that I’m planning on cutting it down when I walk by, but I do so in speaking with an Iris. You have to be very careful when dealing with Clematis. They will taunt you with their beauty and when you fall in love, they wilt. So…just for the record…I hate this plant.  It helps that I have some Facebook friends that hate it with me….Lisa Griffith confirmed that she hated my Clematis, too.  She was joined by Gayle Whitson who suggested I replace it with a satellite dish.  Kay Elliott agreed it was hideous!    I mentioned this all to the Iris with the Clematis lurking and listening nearby.   

Thus far, this is working.  Here’s the Clematis today…more blooms and still no wilt.

Clematis Sunday

Shew!  That is one ugly plant.


