Eating From Your Garden Buckets and Beds

I picked the first green beans out of the raised beds today.   Mountaineer Half Runner Green Beans….they are heirloom green beans.

Mountaineer Half Runner

Not one spec of dirt on the beans. No pesticides used. It’s a rewarding feeling to garden this way. If you lived in Mendota long ago, you might not have had to worry about the pests as much as we do today. It’s a daily fight, but one that is worth the trouble. In the morning when I walk through my green beans, my bees fly around me lighting on a leaf now and then. I pretend they are thankng me.   We need these bees.  

Can you find the cucumber in this picture? What is it with cucumbers that makes them so hard to find?   Hint:  it’s in the  bucket…I did a double take when I saw the “message” on the side. I thought…”what kind of bucket am I growing food in?” Well, actually it’s a food grade bucket because it’s warning that children can drown in sugar syrup. Whew!


Do you grow any of your own food? Have you ever tried? Why don’t you comment and tell me? I’m getting lonely here!

I grew this basil from seed, and I believe I’ll start some more. Basil and rosemary…  “go to” herbs. I can keep the basil until frost, but I can usually keep the rosemay throughout the year if I move it inside on extremely cold nights.  I had yellow jackets near where the basil sits last week.   I was stung several times  trying to water my plants.  I water in my pjs, and one of the yellow jackets stung me on my arm, another on my stomach, and another on my leg.     The nest had to be removed.    Did you know that yellow jackets are a gardener’s friend?    I knew this, but Mike said they were definitely not his friend.    One stung him, too.   They had to go as we could not get water to any of the five-gallon bucket plants because they felt their nest was threatened.  Sorry!

Basil from seed


Oh no…before I posted this. I did one last “bug run” to pick off Japanese beetles and guess what was on one of my vines.  A June bug…it’s a giant beetle.   Will this ever let up?




4 thoughts on “Eating From Your Garden Buckets and Beds

  1. judydee

    Because of a large oak tree shading our entire back yard, we “share-crop” in our neighbor’s yard. We are growing okra, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers, eggplant, and tomatoes. Because we use our own compost, we also had 3 “volunteers” that I allowed to remain. One looks like it will be a birdhouse gord, one looks like it might be cantaloupe, and one may be a potato (white or sweet–who knows?). The cucumbers look awful, but are producing like mad. I fear the eggplant think they are flower bushes as we’ve yet to get an eggplant, and we historically have poor luck with tomatoes. Yet we keep trying, and the vegetables we do get are all the better, because believe me we don’t take them for granted.
    Sorry for the long comment–that’ll teach you to ask. HA!

    1. Eva Post author

      No…I love your comments. I have bad luck with tomatoes but I saw my first almost-red one tonight. Send me pictures of your garden. I would love to see it.

      I was late with squash. I just planted them three weeks ago. I’ve got to cover them up. I am covered with the darn beetles.

      Thank you again for commenting!! I LOVE IT!!! Eva

  2. Rebecca

    Hey Mrs. Eva! Your gardens look so beautiful! I can’t wait to see them when we come. I wish our garden had turned out as beautiful. It has been interesting. 🙂

    1. Eva Post author


      It will be fun! Can’t wait to see you guys. I think we’re going to try and paint a quilt square for the shop or barn. Be looking for one you like!!

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