Monthly Archives: February 2014

Barnrock Road March 2014

It has been 14 months since work began on Barnrock Road. Fourteen l.o.n.g. months. Much of it is almost done but the sharp curve where Barnrock meets Swinging Bridge is still there!

Remember this?

Granny Bott's House

I wanted to walk to where the house sat. I parked the truck and walked out on the old road bed which is still in use…here it is…

Barn Rock Road Old Road

I walked off the old paved road onto the new road bed which is packed mud.

Barnrock Road 1

After just a small bit, I’m right where the house sat. I’m not sure how we’ll actually get to Swinging Bridge..there’s no place carved out yet in that direction. I’m sure it will come.

Barn Rock Road Bed

The garage is still the same…I asked Sam Cunningham once if I could plant some flowers near the old garage. Sunflowers? Zinnias? Maybe this year is the year.

Old Garage on Barn Rock


February Bloggy Vacation

I am taking a “Bloggy” Vacation for the month of February. I’ve got something else I’m wanting to focus on so this is a good time to be offline.    Please come see me in March.    It will be looking something like this around that time.

Front Yard Spring 13


The Status of the Honeybees

It was in the 50’s yesterday, so I went and checked on the honeybees.  I like chronicling them on  RiverCliff Cottage because it will remind me next year what I did wrong or right.  Doesn’t technology rock?

I’m embarrassed at how bad my efforts to sustain them through the extreme cold temperatures look. The bubble wrap is hanging down…the tarp is pulled back and looks nasty.  However, my bees are alive so I’m pretty much over feeling silly about it.

I always say my bees are mean, but I’ll let you decide.  When I recorded this, there weren’t a great many bees out but there were a few.  I was in a short sleeve t-shirt, no veil, etc, and they never threatened me.   They are just busy being bees.

I forget they are deaf so you’ll hear me chatting with them on the link below.   And now, allow me to introduce you to Mendota’s very own Rock Star Bees!




