Peaches and Poo

So today I went to Bristol, and I took both dogs. Luckie and Gracie needed to get out of the house as they were going stir crazy, and I had a couple of errands to run so off we went. We have a lock system on our Taco Mama (Tocoma…we think that’s funny) that allows us to leave the engine running with the AC blowing while we step in and out doing errands. I would never leave them longer than five minutes this way as it would be a disaster if the air conditioning failed. I’m going somewhere with this so just stay with me….

I got up between 5 am and 6 am this morning to feed the bees. They are all in the hive at the very early hour of the morning, and I don’t have to wear the protective clothing during this time. I go in PJs…barefoot. It’s so nice to have the hives near the house. This morning, Luckie accompanied me and I thought she pooped.

Later, I showered, let both Luckie and Gracie pee and then we all climbed in the truck and took off. I was at one of my stops paying the cashier, and I noticed the woman beside me had a “stinkin” problem. It was strange because she looked clean. “Poor dear” I thought and moved away. She had such a pained look on her face. When I got back in the truck, there was a piece of smashed poop in my seat. Apparently, Luckie had accidentally pooped a little bit, I had sat on it and I’d got it on my white shorts (unknown to be me). Luckie is “regular” and poops every morning, but on this morning, she did not poop between 5 and 6 am. Nosiree. Coincidentally, it smelled exactly like the woman that I had thought stunk. Do you know who had the stinkin’ problem? Shame. I just wanted to run back and explain, but I was too busy cleaning the seat.

Meanwhile, in the unlikely event you would ever want to eat at my house after hearing that, I’m working in peaches. We have not had good peaches in years. In fact, we had decided not to replace the peach trees. We’ve not sprayed them in years and the limbs break easily under rotting, bad peaches. However, this year, they aren’t rotten…

Peach Basket

Isn’t she a beauty? Poor Valley ain’t so poor this year!!



4 thoughts on “Peaches and Poo

  1. Patsy

    Your peaches look great. We won’t have any peaches this year but we should have pears???? Hope so anyway.

    Get all cleaned up and give the dogs another drive. You crack me up!!!

    1. Eva Post author

      We have pears, too. The deer like them the least. We love our deer even though they eat everything off the lower branches and then stand up and knock the next level of fruit off. Still leaves us plenty.

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