A Beesy Day

Patsy from the Mendota Post Office called this morning and said “they are here!” The bees are here!! I went down to get them but my sister beat me to it. Here are the bees waiting in her den.

Bee Boxes

We “installed” them this afternoon, but two of the queens were dead. Didn’t survive the trip. Thank goodness, Poor Valley Bee Farm in Hiltons had some queens. Tonight, it looked like this at my little apiary…

B Hilton

Bees are setting up housekeeping and learning their way around. Mike was washing the car when they started familiarizing themselves with our property. Unfortunately, they were thirsty and he and a bee had a “run in” and he got stung in the foot.

It was a very busy day. Tonight is a two Advil night as my feet are really hurting. I’ve been standing on concrete working on my garage cleaning/reorganizion project. Here’s me working on removing the bottom vent of the freezer that’s in the garage. Looks like I had a wipe out. Thank you to my husband for taking such a flattering picture of me.

Glamour Shot

I’m making progress…here’s where I was yesterday…

Unorganized Garage 1

And here’s where I am today. Lots still left to do but progress is being made!

Garage Reorg Day 2

Have a great weekend. I’m going to go see about those Advil now.


3 thoughts on “A Beesy Day

  1. DEBBIE Cassell

    I think you r having a beesy, buzzy day.How can u tell the Queens, just wondering.Poor Valley Bee’s is my Daughter-in-law(Tammy Cassell) Uncle Jay & Aunt Beverly. Small world.Enjoy the rest of the wk-end,and don’t bee getting stung….

    1. Eva Post author

      Hi Debbie…they are longer and bigger than a normal bee. Sometimes they are marked with a little dot by the seller! It IS a small world!

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