Planting Seeds of Optimism

I have gone crazy planting seeds today. I planted another 9 rows of green beans putting us up to 20 rows. About half are bush beans and the other half are half runners. I hope I planted enough for the bugs, the weeds, my friends and me.

I also planted corn. Lots of corn. Let’s say another 15 rows of corn, which, if it germinates and the deer, the crows and the raccoons leave it alone, will all come in at the same time. That should be interesting. If it does germinate, you can bet there will be an electric fence surrounding it this year.

Here’s what I planted both my green beans and corn with–and probably why I have so many rows. It was so easy rolling this along!

Garden Seeder

Mike gave my rows which were not quite straight the stink eye, but who cares? There is a round attachment that you swap out for different seeds. I noticed there was one for chard. Who in their right might would want so much chard that they needed this seeder? Chard seeds are tiny — same with radish seeds which is also in the picture below. Someone lost his or her mind when they invented the chard and radish wheel.

Garden Seeder Wheels

I saw a similar garden seeder in Lehman’s for $54.95. Mine is better. It was a gift from Paul Baker.

On another front…the bees arrive on May 26. They arrive by mail. Will Patsy ever be surprised!


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